DC Heroclix: Justice League Complete Common, Uncommon and Rare Set #1-48
Product Description
Set includes the Common, Uncommon, and Rare versions of the following figures: Batman, Aquaman, Creeper, Firehawk, Mento, Heat Wave, Icicle, Lex Luthor, The Joker, Bulleteer, Black Canary, Crimson Fox, Dr. Light, Green Arrow, Gypsy, Bouncing Boy, Parasite, Firestorm, Merlyn, Black Hand, King Shark, Professor Ivo, Toyman, Chronos, Dr. Alchemy, Captain Boomerang, The Flash, Zatanna, Zauriel, Plastic Man, Tharok, Bronze Tiger, Vigilante, August General in Iron, Deadman, Granny Goodness, Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin, Batzarro, Hector Hammond, Mr. Mxyzsptlk, Abra Kadabra, Dr. Polaris, Major Disaster, Aztek, Superman, Hourman, Dream Girl