It's My Heart Charity Event for Congenital Heart Defects Jan 16th-18th 2009 Event Schedule

FREE food and drinks will be provided for all participants.
Friday January 16th: (Additional Drafts or Sealed games available all weekend)
6:00pm World of Warcraft Miniatures
6:30pm World of Warcraft Card Game
6:30pm Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced
6:30pm Super Smash Bros. Brawl
7:00pm MAGIC the Gathering
Saturday January 17th: (Additional Drafts or Sealed games available all weekend)
12:00pm World of Warcraft Miniatures
1:00pm Guitar Hero World Tour "Rocking for Charity" Event
1:00pm Heroclix Constructed Event "Clix for a Cure". 350 point Restricted. 1st Place Prize will be a Spider Woman Chase figure from MARVEL "Secret Invasion". Tons of other prizes and drawings.
6:00pm Pack Wars - FREE Collecting kit for all participants and Tons of great prizes! What is Pack Wars? It's a fair competition between friends (or rivals) where you crack open packs of sportscards to see who has the best card that meets the requirement for the round (i.e Most Home Runs, Highest Card Number etc.). The beauty behind this game of chance is that the rules and qualifiers are always changing. Everone will be a WINNER!
Sunday January 18th: (Additional Drafts or Sealed games available all weekend)
12:30pm Super Smash Bros. Brawl "Brawling for Babies" Competitive event
1:00pm Heroclix Sealed Event "Clix for a Cure". Buy any (2) 5 figure boosters and build your best 300 point team. 1st Place Prize will be a complete Factory Set of MARVEL "Secret Invasion" including Super Rares. Tons of other prizes and drawings.
1:00pm World of Warcraft Miniatures
4:00pm Soulcalibur IV
Call us with any questions (973)664-0912
Judges will be on hand to Demo World of Warcraft miniatures, World of Warcraft card game or run Raiding Parties all weekend. Epic level raids available.
Possible gaming demos for Star Wars minis
Friday January 16th: (Additional Drafts or Sealed games available all weekend)
6:00pm World of Warcraft Miniatures
6:30pm World of Warcraft Card Game
6:30pm Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced
6:30pm Super Smash Bros. Brawl
7:00pm MAGIC the Gathering
Saturday January 17th: (Additional Drafts or Sealed games available all weekend)
12:00pm World of Warcraft Miniatures
1:00pm Guitar Hero World Tour "Rocking for Charity" Event
1:00pm Heroclix Constructed Event "Clix for a Cure". 350 point Restricted. 1st Place Prize will be a Spider Woman Chase figure from MARVEL "Secret Invasion". Tons of other prizes and drawings.
6:00pm Pack Wars - FREE Collecting kit for all participants and Tons of great prizes! What is Pack Wars? It's a fair competition between friends (or rivals) where you crack open packs of sportscards to see who has the best card that meets the requirement for the round (i.e Most Home Runs, Highest Card Number etc.). The beauty behind this game of chance is that the rules and qualifiers are always changing. Everone will be a WINNER!
Sunday January 18th: (Additional Drafts or Sealed games available all weekend)
12:30pm Super Smash Bros. Brawl "Brawling for Babies" Competitive event
1:00pm Heroclix Sealed Event "Clix for a Cure". Buy any (2) 5 figure boosters and build your best 300 point team. 1st Place Prize will be a complete Factory Set of MARVEL "Secret Invasion" including Super Rares. Tons of other prizes and drawings.
1:00pm World of Warcraft Miniatures
4:00pm Soulcalibur IV
Call us with any questions (973)664-0912
Judges will be on hand to Demo World of Warcraft miniatures, World of Warcraft card game or run Raiding Parties all weekend. Epic level raids available.
Possible gaming demos for Star Wars minis