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STORE HOURS: Retail store will be open Mon 12-7, Tues 12-7, Wed 12-9, Thurs 12-9, Fri 12-9, Sat 12-7, Sun 12-7
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Magic Commander Events - Wednesday & Friday Nights from 6:30pm-8:30pm - Magic the Gathering Tournament Information & Events
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LIVE Auction Tuesday March 4th 2025 7pm-9pm Tons of Great Lots
Return of the Duelist
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU000 Noble Knight Gawayn (SR)
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2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU001 Trance the Magic Swordsman
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU002 Damage Mage
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU003 ZW - Phoenix Bow (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU004 Photon Caesar
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU005 Heroic Challenger - Spartan
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU006 Heroic Challenger - War Hammer
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU007 Heroic Challenger - Swordshield
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU008 Heroic Challenger - Double Lance (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU009 Chronomaly Mayan Machine
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU010 Chronomaly Colossal Head (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU011 Chronomaly Golden Jet
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU012 Chronomaly Crystal Bones (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU013 Chronomaly Crystal Skull (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU014 Chronomaly Moai
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU015 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU015 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU016 Amores of Prophecy
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU017 Temperance of Prophecy (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU018 Strength of Prophecy
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU019 Charioteer of Prophecy
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU020 High Priestess of Prophecy (SCR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU021 Madolche Mewfeuille
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU022 Madolche Baaple
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU023 Madolche Chouxvalier (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU024 Madolche Magileine (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU025 Madolche Butlerusk
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU026 Madolche Puddingcess (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU026 Madolche Puddingcess (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU027 Geargiano Mk-II (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU028 Geargiaccelerator
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU029 Geargiarsenal (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU030 Geargiarmor (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU031 Uniflora, Mystical Beast of the Forest
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU032 Little Trooper
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU033 Silver Sentinel (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU033 Silver Sentinel (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU034 Dust Knight (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU035 Block Golem
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU036 Atlantean Attack Squad
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU037 Illusory Snatcher (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU038 Grandsoil the Elemental Lord (SCR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU039 Three Thousand Needles (SP)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU040 Goblin Marauding Squad (SP)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU041 Heroic Champion - Excalibur (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU041 Heroic Champion - Excalibur (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU041 Heroic Champion - Excalibur (GR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU042 Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU043 Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU043 Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU044 Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU044 Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU045 Hierophant of Prophecy (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU045 Hierophant of Prophecy (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU046 Gear Gigant X (SCR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU047 Alchemic Magician (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU048 Soul of Silvermountain (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU049 Fairy King Albverdich (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU050 Sword Breaker (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU051 Gagagarevenge (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU052 Overlay Regen
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU053 Heroic Chance
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU054 Chronomaly Technology
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU055 Chronomaly Pyramid Eye Tablet
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU056 Galaxy Queen's Light
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU057 Spellbook of Secrets (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU057 Spellbook of Secrets (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU058 Spellbook of Power
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU059 Spellbook of Life (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU060 Spellbook of Wisdom (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU061 Madolche Chateau
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU062 Where Arf Thou?
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU063 Generation Force
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU064 Catapult Zone
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU065 Cold Feet (SP)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU066 Impenetrable Attack
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU067 Gagagarush
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU068 Heroic Retribution Sword
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU069 Stonehenge Methods
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU070 Madolche Lesson
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU071 Madolche Waltz
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU072 Madolche Tea Break (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU073 Xyz Soul
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU074 Compulsory Escape Device
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU075 Turnabout
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU076 Void Trap Hole (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU077 Three of a Kind
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU078 Soul Drain (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU079 Rebound (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU080 Lucky Punch (SP)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU081 Prophecy Destroyer (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU081 Prophecy Destroyer (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU082 Lightray Madoor
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU083 Blue Dragon Ninja (SR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU084 Imairuka (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU085 Revival Golem (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU086 Noble Arms - Gallatin
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU087 Spellbook Library of the Crescent (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU088 Advance Zone (SCR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU089 Ninjitsu Art of Shadow Sealing
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU090 Chewbone
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU091 Eco, Mystical Spirit of the Forest (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU092 Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis (SCR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU093 Miracle Contact (SCR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU094 Advanced Dark (SCR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU095 Pahunder (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU096 Mahunder (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU097 Sishunder (R)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU098 Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon (UR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU098 Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon (UTR)
This item is currently out of stock!
2012 Yu-Gi-Oh Return of the Duelist #REDU099 Spirit Converter (SCR)
This item is currently out of stock!